Joe Pichler
You might have seen Joe Pichler in Varsity Blues and the Beethoven movies. The former child star could have made it even bigger, but he first took a break to graduate from high school. He got his braces off and planned to return to Los Angeles to pick up acting work again when he vanished. In 2006, he and a group of friends spent the night playing cards. They said that he looked like he was in a good mood. To their surprise, he called one of them at 4 o’clock in the morning. He was said to be “inconsolable” and promised to call again in an hour. This did not happen. They later found his car at an intersection close to a bridge. They also found a suicide note in his apartment in which he talked about wishing he had been a “stronger brother” and left all of his things to his little brother. They did not find his body, but it looks like he jumped to his date. His family claims that it must be foul play, however. According to his loved ones, he was not the sort of person who would commit suicide.

Joe Pichler
Jean Spangler
During the 1940s, Jean Spangler had been close to getting her big break when she disappeared. In 1949, she informed her sister-in-law that she would meet her ex and go to a taping that would go on the whole night. She did not come home. They later found her purse with ripped straps at the park. There was a note in there that said, “Can’t wait any longer. Going to see Dr. Scott. It will work best this way while mother is away.” It was made out to Kirk. Actor Kirk Douglas got in touch with the police to say that it was not him, but people found this suspicious. Who would do such a thing if he were really innocent? On top of that, they worked on a film together. Kirk is a pretty rare name as well. One of her friends later revealed that she was about to get an abortion, which was then illegal and done in an unsafe way. No one knows if something bad happened to her on the way or if she died during the process.

Jean Spangler