Rico Harris
Not that long ago, Rico Harris ruled the basketball scene as a player for the Harlem Globetrotters. Sadly, it all started to go downhill for him when his alcohol abuse problem started to get out of hand. He even fired from his security guard position in Los Angeles when he showed up to work drunk. He packed his things to go to his girlfriend’s home in Seattle. Sadly, he did not make it. They found his car, together with all of his things, outside Sacramento. People reported seeing a tall guy on the side of the highway and even found human footprints that matched his size. They ended abruptly, so people assumed that a hitchhiker picked him up. To this day, no one knows what happened to him. We hope that he is okay.

Rico Harris
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Most people know Antoine de Saint-Exupery for writing “Le Petit Prince.” After all, it is one of the best-known children’s books in the world. It is fascinating to hear that he was also an aviator with a penchant for death-defying stunts. He even joined the military to serve his country during the Second World War even though he was older than most soldiers. The other pilots did not approve of him because of his age, as well as his tendency to make mistakes in the air. The worst one he made happened on July 31st, 1944. The author crashed the plane while it was taking off for the Mediterranean. It was only in 2000 that they recovered the wreckage. Despite this, they did not find his body.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery