Snow White Didn’t Wake Up
The fairest of them all receives true love’s kiss at the end of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. When the Prince learns that Snow White is resting in a glass coffin in the woods, he rushes to her side, kisses her, and supposedly breaks the spell.

Snow White Didn’t Wake Up
However, what if Snow White was truly at the end of her days after a year in a glass coffin? Thus, the Prince becomes the angel of death, escorting her into the afterlife.
Gaston Is Gay
This next Disney theory isn’t exactly backed up by evidence, but we have to admit that we like it. Gaston is gay, according to this fan theory, and only pursues Belle because he knows she will never reciprocate.

Gaston Is Gay
Gaston can appear macho while never having to be in a relationship with a woman in this way. Plus, Gaston’s sidekick LeFou was revealed to be gay in the live-action remake, so the two could be having an affair.