Disney Animated Movies: 40+ Strangely Persuasive Fan Theories

Published on 01/31/2022

Ariel Saw Rapunzel’s Parent’s Shipwreck

King Agnarr and Queen Iduna set sail on a ship that eventually crashes in Frozen. The couple may have died, or they may have raised a young Tarzan, depending on which theory you believe.

Ariel Saw Rapunzel's Parent's Shipwreck

Ariel Saw Rapunzel’s Parent’s Shipwreck

Regardless, some keen observers have noted that the couple’s ship resembles the one that Ariel and Flounder swim around in The Little Mermaid. Sure, animated ships resemble each other, but we like to think that Atlantis is connected to Tarzan’s jungle in some way.


Robin Hood Is a Medieval Zootopia

There are mega theories that connect and map out the timelines of most Disney and Pixar movies, in addition to these individual Disney theories. According to some theories, every Pixar film fits into this category. Disney theorists, on the other hand, are baffled by Robin Hood.

Robin Hood Is A Medieval Zootopia

Robin Hood Is A Medieval Zootopia

The film has a lot of talking animals, but none of them are primates like The Lion King. As a result, some have speculated that Robin Hood is a medieval version of Zootopia, in which humans have never existed.