24. Because Of Bass, Morris Was Able To Make Money Later In Life.
Mark Evanier, Morris’ friend, and former director, once shared something heartbreaking on his website. He claimed that in his later years, Morris’ principal source of income was the goodwill bestowed upon him by Ernest T. Bass and The Andy Griffith Show. “For the last decade or so, Howie’s main source of income has been signing autographed photos and making personal appearances for fans of that classic series,” Evanier said.

24. Because Of Bass, Morris Was Able To Make Money Later In Life.
25. Morris Collaborated With Ron Howard.
One of The Andy Griffith Show’s youthful stars was “Ronny” Howard, who went on to become Ron Howard, star of Happy Days and prominent Hollywood filmmaker. Morris met Howard when he was six years old and characterized him as “a doll to work with” in an interview with the Television Foundation. Surprisingly, he was later directed by the adult Howard in Splash in 1984.

25. Morris Collaborated With Ron Howard.